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Creating A Roof Maintenance Plan For Your Michigan Business

Roof maintenance plans are an important part of property maintenance as a whole. Having a plan in place ensures that you can prevent and avoid roof damage that could cost a lot of money down the line. In order to protect your Michigan business in the future, follow these tips for creating a roof maintenance plan.

Find A Good Roofing Company To Work With

Your roofing company will serve several purposes in your roof maintenance plan. They will be the ones to inspect your roofing for damage every year, and they will be the ones who complete any roof repairs or roof replacements that you need in the future. Work with an experience company that you know you can trust. McLean Roofing And Siding is one of Metro Detroit’s premiere roofing companies, specializing in roof repairs, siding installation, new window replacements, and much more. Give us a call at (248) 524-1111 to schedule a free consultation, and we would be more than happy to create a maintenance plan with you.

Schedule Yearly Inspections

Get a commercial roof inspection at least once a year, preferably before or after Michigan’s storm season. Getting an inspection before the storms will ensure that your roof is in good shape for inclement weather. Getting one after the storm will allow you to catch damage at the first signs to reduce your repair costs. If you want to schedule both, that’s even better. As long as you stay ahead of roof damage, you can avoid having to replace your entire roof before its time.

Keep Your Roof Clean

Roofs are designed for water runoff, but they can still get covered with heavy snow and debris throughout the year. In your roof maintenance plan, be prepared for ice dam removal, snow removal, gutter cleaning, and anything else you need to keep your roof in tip-top shape. The weight of these items can cause your roofing to crack, leak, and weaken under the pressure, and the debris itself can hide damage that could be easily fixed. Keep up with your roof repairs during the roof cleaning, and you’ll be good to go.

Adjust Your Plan To Suit Your Needs

Your roof maintenance needs may change over time. As your roof ages, you may need more repair work or more frequent inspections to keep the damage to a minimum. You may also need more aggressive roof cleaning in years where Michigan has particularly bad storms. Discuss all of this with your Michigan roofing company when you go to set up your maintenance plan, and they will make sure you’re taken care of no matter what.