Monday – Friday 9 AM – 5 PM

How To Enjoy The Summer Sun Without The Heat

Stay Cool With An Awning On Your Home

The summer can be a great time to go outdoors and renew that tan you had last year. The only downside to the gorgeous sun that comes out this time of year is the fact that it comes with a lot of unwanted heat as well. If you want to get all the perks of summer without having to worry about sweating your body away, there are some quick adjustments you can make to your home and habits. Here is a guide showing how to enjoy the summer sun without the heat.

Add An Awning To Your Porch

Something as simple as an awning can add a lot of shade to your porch and backyard. Not only will this keep you cool when you’re outside, but it will also add a splash of color to your home’s exterior. Awnings are fairly inexpensive to buy and install, and they are great alternatives to fully covered porches. If you opt for a retractable awning instead of a freestanding one, you can use it only when you need it.

Create Your Own Canopy

If you have a table and chairs set up outside that you want to enjoy during the summer, add a canopy to it to cover up some of the sun. Traditional canopies can get fairly expensive, but you can rig up your own without much effort at all. If your table has a hole for an umbrella, simply get an oversized umbrella that spans far over the edges of the table. You can add mosquito netting to the underside if you’d like for even more protection.

Open Your Curtains (With Double Paned Windows)

Opening your curtains might be the easiest way to let in the sun during the summer, but it can also let in a lot of heat if you have old or single paned windows. Upgrade to new double paned windows, and you will be able to keep the heat where it belongs outside. Your air conditioning will do its job to keep your home cool, assuming it is hot enough to need the AC running. If not, you still won’t have to worry about heat thanks to your windows.

Go Out Early In The Morning

Late afternoons and early evenings are the hottest times in the day because that is when the sun has been out for the longest. Try to do whatever you want to do early in the morning so you can enjoy the sun before it starts to build up heat in the air. A couple of hours can make a big difference, especially if you are planning on doing an activity outside.