April showers don’t just bring about May flowers. They also bring about high volumes of water that could leak into your home if your roof is damaged. Rather than waiting for the worst to come, it is best to get a roof inspection before spring hits. Listed below are some of the factors we look for during our roof inspections so you can understand the importance of pre-spring checkups.
Leaks, Weak Spots, And Potential Leaks
Perhaps the most important issue we look for during a roof inspection is a damaged part of the roof that will leak or could leak in the future. This may be a soft area that needs to be patched, or it could be a large portion of the roof that could come crashing down under heavy rainfall. The water that comes from April and May rain showers will make your roof even weaker than it already is. It is best to get your repairs completed in full before that happens.
Winter Damage
If your home was subject to heavy snowfall during the winter, your roof may have caved in underneath the weight. Once all of the snow melts, we will have a clear picture of how extensive the damage is. The roof may be holding up now, but that does not mean that it will do so in the long run. Getting a roof repair will ensure that you do not incur any further roofing damage.
Better Drainage
With quality roofing, the rain pouring onto your roof should flow directly into your guttering. If you have sunken areas or areas where the shingles are no longer as strong as it used to be, the water may puddle above your roof unnecessarily. To get the best drainage possible, you may need a roof replacement or some adjustments on part of your roofing. A roof inspector can assess your property to determine how well water will drain off your roof in the spring.
Get A Free Roof Inspection
We offer free roof inspections at McLean Roofing And Siding to ensure your home is protected throughout the year. If you need an insurance claim for your roof damage, we will work directly with your insurance company to save you the headache. To learn more about our free roof inspections and other roofing services we offer, contact us today at (248) 524-1111.