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How To React After A Hail Storm

Hail storms are common around this time of year, and so are the insurance claims that follow them. While most people know that hail can hurt their cars, many of them fail to realize the damage hail causes to roofs as well. That doesn’t mean that every hail storm requires roofing repair, but it is still something you should watch out for. Follow this guide to learn how to react after a hail storm so you can protect your roof and home.

Get A Roof Inspection

The best thing to do after a major hail storm is to get a roof inspection. A professional roofer will come to your home and look for any issues the hail may have caused. In any cases, the hail damage is just cosmetic and does not hurt the structural integrity of the roof. If there is roof damage present, your inspector will give you an estimate for the repairs.

Note that there may be an additional inspection needed during the repairs to assess the full extent of the damage. Sometimes there is no way of knowing what happened to the roof until you remove the shingles and look at what’s under the surface.

File An Insurance Claim

If your roof repair or roof replacement is the result of a hail storm, you may be able to file an insurance claim to cover the costs. Your insurance company will want to see a copy of the inspection, and they will also send an adjustor out to inspect the roof for himself. If the insurance adjuster agrees with the repair estimates, he will tell the insurance company to approve of the claim.

If you work with McLean Roofing And Siding, we will work with the insurance company directly so you don’t have to hassle with negotiations. We will make sure you get the most money possible to minimize your out of pocket expenses. Call us today at (248) 524-1111 for more information.

Get Your Roof Fixed

Complete your roof repair or roof replacement as soon as possible so your home is fully protected in the next storm. This is the busy season for most roofing companies, but you should still be able to get your repairs completed in a timely manner. Watch the weather for other hail storms in your area, and respond in the same way if another major storm hits your home.