McLean Roofing and Siding’s full range of residential services includes not only roofing, insulation, and siding, but also replacement window installation as well. Our window replacement options provide you with a guarantee of higher quality windows than most other contractors are capable of offering. We are also proud to offer low-emissivity windows, which is a giant leap in energy efficiency for your home. Below our team shares exactly how Low-E technology in replacement windows works.
How Do Low-E Replacement Windows Work?
The windows that are installed by many of the builders in the United States use fairly dated technology. While they do a great job of letting light into your house and allowing you to see inside your house from the outside, they are extremely inefficient. During the coldest months in Michigan, your windows let out much of the precious heat generated inside your home, and during the warmer months, they tend to let the heat of the outside into your home. The battle for optimal comfort in your home, not to mention the battle of your monthly energy bill, is likely to be won on an ongoing basis by ambient outdoor conditions because of the built-in inefficiency of your standard windows.
Low-E technology in your windows, however, can turn the tide in that war. Low-E windows are designed to limit the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light that passes through standard glass almost completely unimpeded. Low-E windows are constructed of high-quality glass that is coated with a non-toxic microscopic coating of a metallic oxide (which can consist of titanium, copper, silver, zinc, and other metals). The all-important microscopic coating is transparent, which optimizes the visibility through your windows, but minimizes the ultraviolet and infrared light that makes most windows so inefficient.
Low-E Replacement Window Installation in Michigan
McLean Roofing and Siding is an expert installer of replacement windows and we cannot recommend Low-E windows highly enough. The extremes of Michigan’s weather—the notorious cold-weather months are long and the shorter warm-weather months are capable of intensity at the opposite end of the thermometer. These weather extremes make it a perfect environment to install Low-E windows in your home. Over time, the costs you save in energy bills will allow your new Low-E windows to pay for themselves. The benefits of installing Low-E windows are significant and add value to your home. For more information on Low-E windows, call McLean Roofing and Siding today at (248) 524-1111.