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Home Safety and Faulty Windows | Window Replacements Michigan

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Faulty windows can cause an assortment of problems for any homeowner. This is especially true in older homes and buildings. You can avoid these dangers and more with some awareness and yearly maintenance on your windows or with window replacements. Here are some tips to help prevent fire damage and improve your home safety.

Dangers of Faulty Windows

Over time the integrity of your windows can become compromised due to natural wear and tear, accidents, and damage due to movements in the foundation of the building. It is very important that your windows function properly. Drafts from your windows could be costing you a large amount of money due to rising energy costs in the summer and winter months and faulty locking or closing can make your home a target for intruders. Even more costly, permanently stuck windows could prevent a lifesaving escape route from a possible fire. If you are having any of these problems, it may be time to think about window replacements.

Windows and Their Role in Fire Escape Plans

Windows have a major role when it comes to fires and home emergencies. The main entrance and exit points in a home and windows provide the best routes for escape in case of a fire. If you have old windows that are warped or stuck closed, you run a risk of not being able to escape especially if the main doorways are blocked. Having more modern windows can help prevent such tragedies. Window replacements can prevent against many of the problems old and damaged windows face. Newer windows open and shut correctly and should not become stuck once closed. Knowing your windows function properly can help optimize fire escape plans.

Make Sure You Have a Plan

Even if you do have newer windows or decide to have them replaced you should always have a plan ready for an emergency. Be sure to have the city’s emergency contact information updated and on hand. Prepare and have the best possible routes of evacuation memorized and available. Always go over fire safety and make sure you have working fire alarms, have up to date fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. By being prepared you have a better chance of safety.

Prevention is Best

A lot of fire emergencies can be avoided with a bit of prevention. Make sure to extinguish any live fires properly both inside and outside the home and clean up any debris around the property that you may find, especially in the gutters. With these few tips and new window replacements you can make your home a safer place.

To learn more about window replacements and installations please contact McLean Roofing and Siding at (248) 524-1111.